Best custom suits for your husband

We’ve recently noticed that it’s often wives and girlfriends who are doing the legwork to find their husbands a great custom suit, be it for a wedding or just to wear to work. This post is for those wives and girlfriends out there. What we want to tell you is that you should definitely be bringing your husbands and-or fiancees to us.

Why, you ask?

Because we won’t let them walk out with just another generic tuxedo, wedding suit, work suit, or otherwise. Which, frankly, is pretty much what they will end up getting if they go to most of our competitors. The reality is that most of the custom suit makers out there are either complacent or deeply out of touch with what’s actually fashionable and chic. On top of which most of the custom fitters don’t really grasp all of the nuances that go into actually getting a great fitting suit. Fitting is really an art. It’s not something that can be learned overnight. Before I started Watson Ellis, I was a pattern maker and designer by trade. I grew up in the business, learning how garments fit to all types of bodies, and learning to design and sew those garments from scratch.

Of course there are a few other exceptional custom companies out there, but we feel confident we can match and better any of them in terms of quality, price, style and fit.

None of that is to say that we can’t make a conservative suit for your husband if that’s what he is after. We can. We do it all the time. But conservative suits can still be tasteful. They can still have subtle details that pop and elevate them. When your husband comes to Watson Ellis, even a conservative suit will come out looking and feeling like something special. Because it will be special and truly one a kind — all our suits are actually handmade instead of machine-made; and every single one of the design choices that go into our suits are malleable to the clients’ specific tastes.

That last part is important — most custom suit companies will only give you a limited palette of choices when it comes to design. That’s because at the end of the day they are not really what we call ‘true’ custom suit makers. Instead they are what’s known as ‘made to measure’ companies. That means clients are still ultimately subject to templates when it comes to sizing, fit and design. A few of the elements (button-hole types, lapel widths etc.) might be modular, but the whole process is ultimately limited and limiting. In other words, while it might feel like you’re buying something that’s custom made, you’re often actually not. Instead it’s cookie-cutter in disguise.

At Watson Ellis that’s not the case. We pride ourselves on our true custom approach. We also pride ourselves on being able to work in collaboration with our clients every step of the way to ensure that the end garments absolutely reflect their sense of taste and style. From our point of view, every person is different, so every suit we make should be different and unique too.

So if you’re in the market for a truly special suit or custom garment for your husband, then you have come to the right place. Please feel free to book an obligation-free call with us to discuss our process in further detail. We look forward to working with you and yours!


Real clients in real custom suits


A true custom Tuxedo Shop