Real clients in real custom suits

Except for some of our earliest shots, all the photos on our website are of real clients wearing suits that we have actually made. We use real clients to model our suits, not models (although some of our clients have actually been models, which is great too!), because we want everyone to see how great they too could look in a custom suit. We want to give an accurate impression of what we can do for you. And because we think our clients are truly beautiful and we want to celebrate them.

So many custom suit vendors out there use model shots to market their brands. Regrettably, and I digress for a second here, some even use photos of models in suits that the company themselves has not actually made. For example, you might see a photo of a guy on an NYC custom suit vendors' website, which obviously gives the impression that this is one of the vendors' products when in actual fact they have simply lifted the images from the Loro Piana or Zegna brochure. Super shady stuff, and something to look for if you're a prospective client.

We market our brand, using genuine beauty.

We looked at that marketing landscape of models in custom suits recently and thought, why? Do prospective clients for a custom clothing company like ours really see themselves in models? And do they want to? Or are they more likely to see themselves in candid shots of other "real" people, who of course are beautiful in their own right, wearing the clothes? Are they more likely to connect and respond to that kind of imagery because it feels more genuine?

We certainly believe so.

That's really why we love to use candid shots of our real clients to market our brand: because we want to always be reaching out to people and saying, "look, there are no illusions here. This is a real person in a real suit, and don't they look great? You could look great too."

With our brand, you're not just looking at more glossy advertising for a product that in the end so often feels unattainable. You're looking at something/someone who is real and unique, like you, and all the more beautiful for it.

We also believe in being a fully inclusive company, which to us means celebrating the beauty in absolutely everyone from all walks of life, all genders, races, shapes, and sizes. We honestly want those beliefs to be reflected in our branding, which is why we've chosen to use our beautiful clients in the beautiful garments we've made specifically for them to market our company.

We should also say a huge thanks to those who do allow us to celebrate them and their unique suits/garments in our marketing. You are all the absolute best, and the joy and challenge of collaborating with each and every one of you is why we are in this business. Of course, there is absolutely no obligation to stand for pics when you get a suit from Watson Ellis. But if it is something you're willing to do when you come in and see us, then you'll find us ready and willing to celebrate you always!


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