Custom Tailor Near Me

In New York we’re spoiled for choice in so many ways, including in the department of custom suiting where there are many options to choose from. Some of these options are great β€” a lot of our competitors do a great job. Some of these options are not so great…

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Without naming any names, a lot of the time when prospective clients go to custom suit companies in the city they are met by showroom sales people. This is what my clients often tell me about previous suit buying experiences. Nothing against sales people, they’re just trying to a job like the rest of us. But what tends to happen in this scenario is that clients end up with an ill-fitting suit or garment, and the whole experience ends in disappointment.

That’s because the job of making suits β€” and custom clothing in general β€” is pretty hard. It requires an expert tailor who knows how to fit clothes to all different types of bodies, how to design, how the garments are manufactured, and how to properly oversee the whole suit making process. Showroom sales people might know how to sell, but in my experience they don’t usually know a whole lot about fit and design. And these are the crucial elements when it comes to high quality custom tailoring.

I suppose what we’re saying is that there’s a whole lot of opportunism going on out there, and not a whole lot substance underneath to back it up. Companies have seen an opportunity in the custom suiting business, and often their sales people don’t have the skills to really perform in this business, in other words. The product therefore ends up being pretty shabby, a lot of the time. Corners are cut. Clients leave unhappy etc etc..

At WATSON ELLIS, you’ll meet with me for your fitting and design appointment. I’m a pattern maker, a designer with over 12 years of experience in both ready to wear and custom, and a fit specialist. In short, I know what I’m doing. We guarantee that clients will leave feeling great in exquisite pieces of custom clothing. So the next time you’re considering buying a custom suit in NYC, think of us! And feel free to book in for an obligation-free appointment  to come in and discuss our process at your convenience.


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