5 Benefits of Custom Tailored Suits

Why buy a custom tailored suit instead of just buying a suit off the rack? After all, the off-the-rack suit is probably going to be cheaper, plus you can take it home right away instead of waiting for 3-4 weeks for it to arrive.

And then there's the whole second fitting step when you buy custom... This whole custom suit business seems like more trouble than it's worth, doesn't it?

These are questions a lot of people ask themselves when they're thinking about buying a new suit. We know, we've heard them many times. So we thought we'd lay out five benefits, as we see it, of choosing to buy a custom tailored suit over one that's straight off the rack.

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Sure, a custom tailored suit might cost you more up front than one off the rack. Our prices for a 2 piece suit, for example, start around $1200, whereas we've seen suits in other ready to wear stores for around $300.

But the big difference here is that a Watson Ellis custom tailored suit will last you much much longer than the cheaper option. Our suits are handmade by expert tailors, rather than factory line made; and we use only the world's best fabrics. This heightened manufacturing / material quality will always show in the long run.

As we've been saying for a while now, we're setting out to make heirlooms, not fast / disposal fashion. A Watson Ellis custom tailored suit is made to be worn over the course of many years, whereas the off-the-rack options will more often than not be on their last legs within a matter of months.


A big concern of ours is that we're working within the bounds of sustainability. In fashion, that largely means not contributing toward the 'fast fashion' movement that adds so much waste and pollution to our already struggling plant, and instead contributing toward a 'slow fashion' movement.

A Watson Ellis custom tailored suit is yours, it's unique, made slowly, carefully, and with the upmost sense of personalized design. It's about quality, not quantity in clothing. Nothing is wasted, and everything is individualized. Every garment is made by a single tailor, not by a factory line manned by thousands of grossly underpaid workers.

When you buy a Watson Ellis suit, you are contributing to a sustainable rather than disposable fashion culture.


Another benefit of opting for a Watson Ellis custom tailored suit is that everything about it is personalized to you. We are a proper bespoke company, and that means we can hone in on the most granular details and make them exactly how you want them.

We're not squeezing your body into someone else's design template, with a few variables on the side. We offer you a blank canvas to create using the world's best materials and the expertise of our highly experienced designer.

The end result will be a garment that reflects exactly what you want it to reflect. You won't have to just accept the design decisions someone else makes for you, like you would in choosing an off-the-rack suit.

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We had a female client say to us recently that she just couldn't believe how good it felt to put on her first ever custom made suit. She knew it would probably be good, but it turned out to be what she described as a game changer. That's because it was made specifically for her, fitted specifically to her frame.

And there's nothing like the feeling of a suit that's fitted to your body. Everyone's body is truly different. That means nothing off-the-rack, created according to a generic sizing template, is going to fit you correctly. A custom tailored suit will, and it'll feel awesome as well as making you look your absolute best.


We offer a wide range of the most luxurious fabrics from some of the best fabric mills in the world. You won't find this range in looking at off-the-rack suits. From vicuna, to cashmere, to wool and linen, the fabric options available when you opt for a Watson Ellis custom tailored suit are both vast and special.

We will work with you in a one-on-one fitting and design session to make sure you choose the fabric that's best suited to your needs. This experience of working closely with every detail of your garment is another special quality of the custom tailored suit making experience. Ultimately, as we're finding through talking to our clients, this experience only heightens the appreciation they have for their garments in the long run. We treasure those things we take time to create, right?!


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